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Chimera Hunter - manga scan

By SellosArt

Freedom is the very essence of a happy and fearless life, it is one of the most precious things that man can possess. Without it, life becomes dark and meaningless. This pleasurable feeling is so valuable that some people kill themselves to get it. And what about you? How far will you go to get this freedom? At least if it does exist... To find out, only curious people can set out to conquer it. However, curiosity is a very big flaw... It can lead you straight to the bottom of the deepest abysses of your mind. Your hopes will turn against you and you will then be trapped forever. Regret will be the only thing you can feel at this point. So follow me through the story... The story of an ignorant and childish young boy... a boy like no other, that's for sure... his name... is Arthur.

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{{ getNbFormated(project.nb_views) }}
{{ getNbFormated(project.nb_likes) }}
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