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Che serata da cani! - artbook scan

By SamBorzi

ENG As soon as I read the theme of the contest (Buddies) I immediately thought of a group of dogs playing video games eating pizza and drinking beer, so the decision to make an illustration was immediate. Also try a bit to look for "buddies" on Google images ... ITA Appena lessi il tema del contest (Buddies) pensai subito ad un gruppo di cani che gioca ai videogiochi mangiando pizza e bevendo birra, quindi la decisione di farne un'illustrazione è stata immediata. Inoltre provate un po' a cercare "buddies" su Google immagini...

Project in progress UPDATE
This project participates in the contest « European Comic Schools Contest 2018 » with the school : Scuola Internazionale di Comics Padova
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{{ getNbFormated(project.nb_pages) }}
{{ getNbFormated(project.nb_views) }}
{{ getNbFormated(project.nb_likes) }}
{{ getNbFormated(project.nb_comments) }}
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