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Its´s a small world - artbook scan

By JadenB2.jbk

Long time ago, a girl with purple hair helped a poor kitten. The kitten was injured by other children and got a scar on her arm. She was so afraid of people and didn´t dare to get out of a small shoe box. But the girl with the purple hair, saw it, she was that the kitten needs help. So she passed the box every day before and after school. She shared her school-lunch with the cat and vetted the injury, she gave her more and more love after day after day. A true friendship and love between human and animal. This love is reflected in the bracles with the bell, but it represents also the swayings of a life. Whether the life consists of downs, it consosts also of ups --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hope u like it, it was a challenge to colourased and draw something out of my head. But iam happy about it. Maybe ill make a short comic later for myself.

Project in progress UPDATE
This project participates in the contest « European Comic Schools Contest 2018 » with the school : Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts
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