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Aurion :Legacy of the Kori-Odan - comic scan

By Kiroo Games

Who am I? What is my place in this world? There comes a time when everyone asks himself these questions. On Aurioma, energy called Aurion reacts only to those who seek answers, connecting them to their ancestors. In the city of Zama, the king and queen,Enkwo and Ewineh Kori-Odan are crowned on their wedding day. But this happy day will be the beginning of their struggles, their trials, and their journey to find the true meaning of the Kori-Odan Heritage(legacy). Aurion's Story: The Kori-Odan Legacy is based on the African Fantasy role-playing game. The first Cameroonian video game has been praised by international critics for its captivating and inspiring screenplay.

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Other translations : drapeau 3
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