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The Black Rose - manga scan

By Alexandrine

During the 17th century in the kingdom of France lived in a young king. King Léon was considered the greatest monarch in France and one of the most famous and powerful in the world. This was a young man who was very fond of partying and women. He spent most of his time dating numerous women much to the despair of his mother, the regent who hoped to be able to marry herson to the Spanish child Marianne. One day Léon feel under the speel of Ondine, a young Italian, who was a niece of his Primer Minister. But what Léon does not know is that a young Italian named Rose is very in love with him who is none other than Ondine's little sister. How to do when the man you are in love with is the King of France and he attracts many dangerous women ? This story is inspired by the love story of Louis XIV and Marie Mancini.

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