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SNIRER BLOOD remasterised (ENGLISH) - manga scan

By koutaishi

This is the story of a young child, Emeric, who witnessed the murder of his parents in traumatic scenes along with his older sister, Noémie. Emeric will become one of the world's most notorious killers by eliminating powerful and corrupt criminals after seeing his parents get assassinated during a family outing to the cinema. The young boy will be adopted and trained by a secret and occult organization, and years later, he will be sought by the government under the name "Snirer Blood." His older sister Noémie, now an adult, works in the Interpol police force. She will be assigned to investigate "Snirer Blood" without realizing that he is none other than her little brother, whom she believed to be dead. A story of a manhunt and corrupt politics, she will be torn between protecting him or bringing him to justice.

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