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Buddies - comic scan

By School for applied art and design Osijek

A young girl sets on a journey from a mystical city. She is carrying a small bag on a stick and has shellshaped medallion around her neck. With a glimpse of an eye the girl sees a dolphin caught up in a fisherman's net. She falls in the water while trying to free the dolphin and loses her medallion. She dives back to retrieve it and encounters the freed dolphin who gives her back the medallion. After the girl resurfaces, the enchanted scene of joyous sea animals playing brings a blissful smile on her face.

Project in progress UPDATE
This project participates in the contest « European Comic Schools Contest 2018 » with the school : School for applied art and design Osijek
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{{ getNbFormated(project.nb_views) }}
{{ getNbFormated(project.nb_likes) }}
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