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Sleepwalker.exe - comic scan

By Garrrros

Translated by Ledgy / Typeset by Orhan M. Have you ever woken up in some place you don’t recognize, blood on your hands and a corpse by your feet? The story of Sleepwalker.exe begins with Damian, a shy student lacking motivation and suffering from strange losses of consciousness. He finds out about a mysterious computer game online titled “Sleepwalker”, which is presumably haunted. Thanks to the playing it, Damian will learn more and more about the reason behind his black outs, before gradually finding interest in the game and attempting to become the best Sleepwalker player ever… Fights, monsters, friends, masked assassins, and a labyrinthine city in which people seem to disappear without a trace. What other mysteries lie behind the haunted game?

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Other translations : drapeau 3
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