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Urban Legend - comic scan

By Inanna

As dusk approaches, a curfew looms over the city, a witness to increasingly frequent disappearances. Unconcerned by the danger, a man lingers on his way home, haunted by a persistent feeling of unease that drives him to find excuses to return as late as possible. This time, his excuse is to stop by the local newsstand, which is about to close. The man approaches the newsvendor, pleading for a newspaper despite the late hour. The newsvendor, irritated, warns him about the dangers of the curfew, reminding him of the strict rules and the risk he takes by breaking them. But what is this strange feeling that the man senses? What is he truly afraid of? A short horror story, with a touch of biting irony, that tackles themes surrounding stereotypes in gender dynamics.

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This project is taking part in the contest « Global Comic Awards 2024 »
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