Dimensions: 300 x 300 px
This vignette represents your project through Mangadraft. It is this image that readers will see first, so look after it.
Dimensions: 150 x 150 px
Dimensions: 150 x 150 px
Dimensions: 150 x 150 px
Dimensions: 150 x 150 px
Take advantage of these 5 spaces to highlight your project and give readers the desire to read it. For example, add some of your best pages or characters, or use these 5 locations to create a single table. Be creative! : D
San est un jeune pompier rêvant de devenir un héros.
Il intègre sa première caserne de pompier et rencontre toute l'équipe. Quand soudain, l'alarme sonna ! Alors sa première mission commença...
Promote your project to over 200,000 readers Boost the visibility of your project and attract more readers by displaying it on the home page, in ad breaks during reading, in readers' suggestions and news feed.