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Wakuro - light novel scan

By ZealousEngineer126

The meeting of the worlds is the name of the cataclysm which forever changed the face of the world of Men, a little more than three centuries ago. And humanity discovered at its expense that to their world, another was connected, the world of Onigami. As its name suggests, this world parallel to that of Men was home to creatures called Onigami. In just over 3 centuries, humanity has been able to recover and adapt to the changes caused by this cataclysm. In the year 304 after the meeting of the worlds, the world of Men knows a period of global peace, although some wars and conflicts still take place in various places, the world divided into five parts, the Central continent, the North, South, East and West is under the aegis of the three governing bodies the highly regarded Bouryokudan league, the 5 armies of the World Government present throughout the world, and The OCAD (Organization for the Coexistence and Administration of Demons or even Organization for the Conservation of Advanced and Developed species) which has 12 seats around the world. With its three governing bodies, we can say that the world of men and its peace are in good hands. We will discover this new world through the journey and adventures of Ori Gold Uragashi, a mischievous young man, descended from a line of heroes.

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Other translations : drapeau 3
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