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SorcerTale : the angel in the dark - manga scan

By MayJuuny

Miki is a young faely, half-witch and half-angel like the others, except for her powers and black wings. Her routine is interrupted by creatures called "Chimeras" during the 300 years of peace that the kingdom of Eareus has known since the Tragedy. As a true descendant of the kingdom's pioneer, Eareus TENSHINOKAGE, she is therefore the princess of the cursed moon and also the last surviving shadow angel, making her a target in the eyes of the human aristocracy who desire power and wish to overthrow the faely throne. Will Miki decide to reclaim her place as princess? Will she be able to spread the harmony that Eareus has always hoped for and finally free the TENSHINOKAGE from the curse of the Senka moon?

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Other translations : drapeau 3
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